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Lawyer, holding doctor’s degree – lawyer of the District Chamber of Advocates in Wrocław, doctor in legal science, founder of the law office. He mostly specialises in administrative law (including public commercial law, real property law, planning and spatial development law, and construction law), intellectual property law and competition law, tax and banking law, commercial law, public procurement law as well as civil law and civil proceedings.

Proxy in numerous court, administrative and tax proceedings, including prestigious civil and commercial cases in which the value of the object of litigation amounted to a dozen or so million zloty. He successfully represents his Clients in complicated court litigations before appellate courts, the Supreme Court regional administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court.

He is the author of many legal opinions made at the request of local government units and self-government organizational units.

He graduated from the University of Wroclaw, the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy with a very good mark and distinction, and then completed the attorney apprenticeship in the Chamber of Advocates in Wrocław, and passed the final exam with distinction.

At the same time he completed full-time doctor studies led by professor Barbara Adamiak, Ph.D. in the Administrative Proceedings and Administrative Judiciary Department in the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy at the University of Wrocław, defended his doctoral thesis and was admitted to the degree of doctor of legal science.

He is the author of numerous scientific publications (monographs, books, chapters in collective work, articles and glosses) in the scope of administrative law and proceedings (including tax proceedings), court and administrative proceedings and administrative enforcement proceedings, including the first publication in the Polish publishing market dedicated to the problem of inadmissibility of court proceedings in court and administrative proceedings (P. Razowski, Niedopuszczalność drogi sądowej w postępowaniu sądowoadministracyjnym, Inadmissibility of court proceedings in court and administrative proceedings, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2015, p. 466).

Scientific opinions of advocate Paweł Razowski are cited in the rulings of administrative courts (see the judgement of Provincial Administrative Court in Wrocław dated 2 June 2016, I SA/Wr 277/16, www.orzeczenia.nsa.gov.pl, the judgement of Provincial Administrative Court in Łódź dated 28 August 2014, II SAB/Łd 94/14, www.orzeczenia.nsa.gov.pl, the judgement of Provincial Administrative Court in Rzeszów dated 18 September 2013, II SA/Rz 489/13, www.orzeczenia.nsa.gov.pl, the judgement of Provincial Administrative Court in Poznań dated 23 August 2012, III SA/Po 411/12, www.orzeczenia.nsa.gov.pl, the judgement of Provincial Administrative Court in Szczecin dated 16 February 2012, II SA/Sz 1112/11, www.orzeczenia.nsa.gov.pl).

He is a speaker during numerous all-Poland scientific conferences and specialist trainings in the scope of tax law, administrative law and proceedings (including self-government law) and court and administrative proceedings for judges, advocates, legal advisors, and tax advisors, as well as trainees of legal professions (e.g. as part of „IDEA” programme – joint undertaking of Advocate Chambers from Kraków and Wrocław, consisting in registration of meetings with distinguished lawyers, especially with advocates, in audiovisual form and making their lectures available in the Internet.

He is a lecturer of the District Council of Advocates in Wrocław, conducts classes for advocate trainees in the scope of administrative law (including construction law and planning and spatial development law), administrative proceedings and court and administrative proceedings.

He is a member of the Legal Team at the District Council of Advocates in Wrocław.

He has a command of English, including legal English.

 +48 600 851 471


Advocate trainee of the Chamber of Advocates in Wrocław, doctoral student in the Administrative Proceedings and Administrative Judiciary Department in the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy at the University of Wrocław.

She graduated from the University of Wroclaw with the very good mark and distinction, at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy. Her master’s thesis entitled “Representation of a party in the general administrative proceedings” took the second place in the annual competition of the best master’s theses. Currently she is an advocate trainee of the Chamber of Advocates in Wrocław and a doctoral student of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy at the University of Wrocław in the Administrative Proceedings and Administrative Judiciary Department.

In her professional work in the law office she is focused in particular on issues in the scope of administrative law, especially administrative proceedings (general and tax proceedings), administrative enforcement proceedings as well as court and administrative proceedings. She prepares draft complaints to administrative courts, complaints in cassation, as well as documents in enforcement proceedings. She represents Clients in proceedings before administrative bodies (including also tax proceedings) and before administrative courts. She successfully conducts cases in the scope of civil law (including in particular property law and lability law), family law and commercial law. She is especially sympathetic and engaged in cases for divorce, alimony, parental authority and contacts with children. Moreover, she also takes part in criminal proceedings.

She is the author of a dozen or so scientific publications, including monographs, chapters in collective work, articles and glosses. She conducts classes for students at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy at the University of Wrocław, and specialist trainings in the scope of tax law and tax proceedings as well as administrative enforcement proceedings for advocates, legal advisors, tax advisors and employees of self-government administration.

Scientific opinions of Angelika Drelichowska are quoted in the rulings of administrative courts (see the judgement of Provincial Administrative Court in Wrocław dated 2 June 2016, I SA/Wr 277/16, www.orzeczenia.nsa.gov.pl, the judgement of Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw dated 23 February 2016, III SA/Wa 985/16, www.orzeczenia.nsa.gov.pl, the judgement of Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw dated 4 February 2016, III SA/Wa 863/15, www.orzeczenia.nsa.gov.pl, as well as the judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court dated 18 August 2015, II FSK 1758/13, www.orzeczenia.nsa.gov.pl).

She provides legal assistance also in German.
